This may very well be the king of all flashlights. It is especially designed for you outdoor enthusiasts. It is very well suited for home emergency use as well. You can re-energized this monster one of two ways: dynamo cranking or AC/DC charging (AC/DC adapter included).
Crank the Radio flashlight at the rate of 180 times at 3 RPM (revolution per minute) and you have a flashlight for up to 4 hours or operate the radio up to 8 hours. The radio portion of this gadget comes equipped with built-in speaker, telescopic antenna for clear reception and an earphone. Do not make the mistake of comparing this gadgets to our competitors' version. Those do not come with radio. We are offering you a better products at the same price. It s like getting an AM/FM radio free. Simply put it this way, this is the best in its class. The radio/flashlight incorporates a built-in speaker and it is also packaged with an earphone and AC/DC adapter for your convenience. Order yours before we are sold out.
Do not let the size of this radio fool you. At approximately 6.5" x 4.5" x 2", it is slightly bigger than our popular item# 701 and considerably smaller than our World Band Radio, yet packs a lot of punches. Featuring 4 SW, a MW, FM, 2 TV bands and a weather band, it become the strongest opponents to our bigger world band radio. More of its features are listed below:
Four Way Power: Solar, Dynamo, Battery (not included) and AC/DC adapter (included)
Compact size
Telescopic Antenna for quality reception
Stereo Earphone
Ni-C batteries instead of Ni cad
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